Why You May Not Be Getting Interviews

Mindy East
May 26, 2022

There are times that you may find yourself asking, “Why am I not getting any interviews?” Here are 5 reasons why you may not be getting interviews.

If you are an active job seeker, you know that landing that dream job is of the utmost importance to your future. However, there are times that you may find yourself asking, “Why am I not getting any interviews?”

This is a common thought that plenty of job seekers find themselves having, especially when they are placing intentionality behind applying to their desired job. 

It may be time to rethink how you are doing your application process to receive better results. Here are 5 reasons why you may not be getting interviews. 

1. There was an internal hire. 

There are times when an employer has a current employee in mind for a position, but for legal reasons they have to post the job posting on the website. As a result, you are not called and there is an internal hire. Don’t worry, this isn’t your fault, but it is a common reality in the workplace.

2. Your resume is not tailored to the job’s specifications. 

If you are sending a generic resume to employers, rather than one tailored for that particular position, employers may not consider you. It is important to tailor your resume to fit the specific job or industry that you are applying to. Keeping things too generic doesn’t make you stand out, which is what you need in order to get a callback. Switch up your resume based on the job posting’s requirements and make it so an employer can clearly see you are qualified for the position.

3. You have errors on your resume or cover letter. 

Employers are looking for excellent written communication skills and attention to detail.  If you have errors in grammar or spelling, most employers will pass on you.  Recruiters cannot pass along poor resumes and cover letters to their hiring managers so more times than not, you will be rejected before getting the chance to interview.


4. You are applying through third-party websites and job boards, as opposed to applying directly on the company’s site.

Places like LinkedIn, Indeed, and CareerBuilder are great to look at to see who’s hiring from a broad scope. But, when you look at the specifics of using those sites, they are third-party vendors that the employer uses to gain traction on the job posting. Therefore, don’t use these search engines to apply for the job. Instead, go directly to the company’s website and apply. This way, your name, and resume are directly in their pool of candidates, rather than in the ocean of candidates from third-party hosting sites.

5. Your resume has responsibilities but does not show accomplishments. 

Your resume should be showing two things: progression and accomplishment. If it’s not, you may need to go back and revise. This is because when an employer is looking at your resume, they want to see the value that you have provided to previous jobs so that they can gauge the potential value that you bring to their company. For example, if you were able to increase your department’s productivity by 25% because of a new system you implemented, that needs to be detailed on your resume. Don’t be afraid to provide quantifiable details of your accomplishments, because it shows that your work is valuable and can be presented as an asset to the employer who is hiring. 

Applying for jobs is a job itself, so spend your time wisely by applying to positions that you know you can fill the requirements of. Then, be sure to present yourself in a way that shows employers that you are qualified and can provide value to the company. Good luck on your job search!


Good luck!